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It was a day of .... EQUIFUN
.... and it was great fun too.


Organised by 
Angelela Maskell 
and in aid of the 
Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy.


From canter to walk, a narrow 3 metre corridor was entered at walk and a bell rung at the end before reversing, calmly, correctly
and in a straight line out of the corridor.

Transition to canter and proceed to circle two barrels in a figure of eight. Correct changes in the middle of the barrels and keeping each barrel in the middle of each circle. 
The barrels are set 8 metres apart,
so the radius of each circle should be 4 metres.


Not in the competition but we had great fun playing with this giant football at one of the practice sessions.

The competition can be likened to 
Dressage with Obstacles. The obstacles being similar to Working Equitation and Trec competitions. Here it was being judged on style and skill as opposed to speed although there was a speed class as well. (Tetuã was 2nd. in the Speed Class).

In this photo, the course was begun with your horse standing still, whilst you transfer the mug from one side to the other. Then preceding at canter to circle a very small animal pen on both reins.



Your horse must show a change of bend and a correct change in between each pole to gain maximum marks. Here the idea is pick up your lance at the canter from out of a barrel, then to knock the ball from off the bull and canter past dropping your lance into a second barrel as you go.

Tetuã and myself pleased with our round.

Other obstacles:
Transition from canter to walk and crossing a bridge before picking up canter to encircle three barrels in a very tight space.

  The Result: 1st.

Judged by Claire Moir

A fun and challenging competition






Thank you to 
the many sponsors
and especially a big

Thank You


Angela Maskell

for organising the whole day.

A glut of acorns in the New Forest this year is putting hundreds of native New Forest ponies at risk of poisoning.



To help solve the problem, commoners turn pigs out onto the Forest to eat the acorns, which they love. Acorns do not harm the pigs but can lead to an unpleasant death if the ponies eat them in large quantities, especially if still green.

Some horses don't like pigs, so if riding on the Forest in the Autumn, it is worth spending time accustoming your horse to them. Tetuã found them quite intriguing!

Chilworth Hunter Trial

  Husband and Wife Team, Patrick & Suzanne
spot on together in the Chilworth Hunter Trials Pairs Class.

Lusitano Tetuã withNew Forest pony
Rodlease May Delight.



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